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I want it to be clear what is or isn’t something I could potentially profit from while also making clear why I would choose to participate in affiliate marketing.

Blogging takes a lot of time. No, really—a LOT of time. I do it primarily because I enjoy having a space to share projects and collaborate with others, but it’s also a way I can share (promote!) my studio’s various business endeavors. (I’m the face working behind the computer of this, this, and this—and one of the faces behind the camera for this). Because artists do what they can to not proverbially and otherwise “starve,” affiliate marketing is one more way to try to squeeze a few dimes into my family’s income stream. Mostly, I blog about projects, thoughts, business advice, and things that might be helpful to readers who happen upon my blog—like free printables. In addition to all that, I sometimes share things I’ve bought, want to buy, and so on. (You can read my policies page for an overview of ad policies.) There are also plenty of links I post that aren’t affiliate links, but having a few makes it easier to create time to create for my blog.

With all that in mind, if it wasn’t clear within the specific posts in my blog, here is a work-in-progress list of which businesses (past and present) I’ve partnered with their affiliate program. If ever someone else initiates an affiliate relationship, that will show up here as well.

ABLE — I admire their business model a lot. What’s more is that their products are gorgeous.

Blick — This store is one of the reasons I hoped I’d one day be a professional artist/designer on any level because as a kid I wanted to be able to someday go to Blick and buy ALL the art supplies I’d ever need! (I’m still working on that part, but it’s a goal!) — I love books, and I love supporting local book shops. With, you can support local online!

Creative Market — It’s been a great resource for selling, which is why I applied to become an affiliate as well. Check out my shops here and here.

Printful — Like the name sounds, they specialize in print production and fulfillment. In addition to selling products through their service, I’m also appreciative of other artists, designers, or makers who find my review helpful and want to support me and my blog through signing up via my referral.

Target — It’s Target. Who doesn’t love Target?

Thrive Market — Unless you’re in a major metropolitan area, it’s hard to get access to a lot of the natural and organic brands you’d love to see in your pantry. This is like your local co-op meets Amazon Prime in that orders past a certain dollar amount get free shipping. I still support my local co-op, but a lot of what I typically buy there are things I’d never be able to get online like local brands and perishable produce, eggs, meat, and dairy. Your membership also sponsors a low-income family.

Mighty Nest — Find eco-friendly products for the home, all at one place.

Amazon — We’ve since nixed our Amazon Prime membership, but a few old posts might still have links to Amazon. As stated here, I’m glad bigger companies can employ a lot of people.

Mommypotamus — She tests her skincare recipes so that you won’t end out with a really regrettable DIY mistake. (If you’re ever tried a DIY facial mask online that didn’t turn out…you know what I’m talking about.)

Mountain Rose Herbs — They offer a wide selection of quality, organic, bulk spices, herbs, and natural body care ingredients.

If you’ve enjoyed one of my printables or something I wrote, clicking on one of these affiliate links is one way to support me on this blog. Another is to buy me a cup of coffee.

Thank you! I appreciate it!
